Dan Reynolds
Staff Coach

Bio- I started coaching in 1999 at the club level and spent 12 years at another club in the area, I moved to Elite in 2012 and have enjoyed the program Elite has for development of young athletes both on and off the field. I have coached U8-U14 boys and girls teams over this time (52+teams) and continue to explore new approaches and ideas to highlight the safety of players being allowed to make mistakes to learn and grow through continued effort as they learn the choices they get to make. Keeping the fun in the game and building the players confidence around their strong efforts allows players to discover the goal of being prepared, practice, teamwork and the fun of competitive soccer. "The opportunity to instruct young competitive players to build their self-confidence, guide them through the steps to progress and develop skills around the beautiful game of soccer is an AWESOME joy for me as a coach. Providing a safe soccer environment to try your best, be encouraged for effort, and learn the strengths a young player has to offer, while having FUN are sound life lessons. Allowing mistakes to grow, educate about the choices they get to make and praise for the successes obtained (more than just scoring a goal) from individual and team effort." Coaching education of NSCCA National Diploma, USSF National D License, USSF U8-U10 & U10-U12 youth modules, PCA Double Goal Certified.
Playing:I grew up in the area in a large family or ten, played club soccer at Real FC and won a u17 state title, won the MSL HS 1st soccer bowl at Wheeling HS, played two seasons at Harper College with an undefeated season at the start of that college soccer program. Played in the chgo metro one league for several years after college with a few different clubs in the area. Personal: I live in Palatine with my wife Eileen and we have 4 adult children (2 boys, girls). All 4 played club soccer and developed life long friends from the experience. 3 of our kids achieved all conference, all area awards in HS varsity soccer. I worked 29 yrs at AT&T in management positions, enjoy live music and play the drums for fun to the joy of the whole house. 2 of my kids are still on our payroll at home with college and grad school and we love to gather as a family to spend time together.