
Elite S.C. Players' Code of Conduct
Players have a big part to play in promoting high standards of behavior in the game. Elite S.C. asks every player to abide by and RESPECT the code of conduct and Elite’s Core Values:
When playing soccer, Elite S.C.players will:
- Always play to the best of their ability.
- Play fairly - no cheating or complaining.
- Respect teammates, the other team, the referee, and the coaches.
- Play by the rules, as directed by the referee and coach.
- Shake hands with the other team and the referee after the game.
- Listen and respond to the coaches' instructions.
- Talk to someone they trust if they’re unhappy about anything at their club.
Elite S.C. players understand that if they do not follow the code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by Elite S.C:
- Required to apologize to teammates, the opposition, the referee and/or the Elite S.C. coach.
- Be substituted during the game, or suspended from a future game(s) and training session(s).
- Receive a formal warning from Elite S.C.
- Elite S.C. officials may have a meeting with parents regarding player infringements of the code of conduct.
- Be required to leave the club.
Core Values:
Effort-Elite S.C. expects all of our players to give it their ‘all’ when they step on the field. Also, we believe in giving 100% effort in all that we
do off the field. This applies to school work, community service activities, and even chores around the house. We value giving our best effort in all aspects of life.
Learning-Elite S.C. expects all our players to come to training and games with the desire to learn and improve.
Integrity-Elite S.C. believes in “doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.” We value fair play and thankfulness. We honor the game!
Teamwork-Elite S.C. believes in unity. Not only do our players belong to a team, but also they belong to a larger Elite S.C. family, who strives to build community by developing youth through soccer.
Excellence-On the field, we compete at the highest levels of league and tournament play. Elite S.C. believes in developing our players to be excellent, well-rounded, active members of society.
Elite S.C. Player Attendance Expectations
Overall athletic skills are best developed by participation in multiple sports. A soccer players’ love of soccer can become a reality through experience in other sports. As the player increases in age, especially the latter part of junior high (7th/8th grade) and high school, so does the commitment to the sport. Participation in other sports is encouraged, and for many athletes who play more than one sport often focus on a primary sport (not necessarily one sport) beginning at/or around 14. This typically provides the environment needed for each player to reach their full potential. With that in mind, we request that if conflicts arise from participating in other sports or activities that they be discussed in advance and evaluated between the player/parent and club. This will help determine how successful, safe, and meaningful participation can occur at Elite S.C.
Player Expectations:
- Players are expected to attend all training sessions and games on the schedule; naturally conflicts will arise, but attendance will be one factor considered in playing time. Other factors include overall technical and tactical assessment, coach-ability, attitude and game management needs.
- Players are expected to attend all games, tournaments, and events.
- Players/Parents are expected to communicate conflicts well in advance and problem-solve ways to still attend the training sessions, games, tournaments, and events.
- If practice conflicts arise, it is necessary for the player/parent to discuss with the coach what other sessions to attend.
If you have a strong concern with your ability to make an Elite S.C. team commitment, please contact,
- Stein Garcia - sgarcia@elitesoccer.net (Girls Teams)
- Adam Stephan - astephan@elitesoccer.net (Boys Teams)
Parent Pledge
Elite S.C. is committed to the principles of Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA).
Therefore, we ask that you read, sign and return this form to your child’s coach or any appropriate representative of our organization.
In keeping with PCA’s ideal of the Double-Goal Coach® – who has a goal of winning and an even more-important goal of teaching life lessons through sports –
Watch and enjoy the GAME! Let the players play, the coach’s coach and the officials officiate.
I will be a Second-Goal Parent®, focused on the goal of using sports to teach life lessons, while leaving the goal of winning to players and coaches.
I will use positive encouragement to fill the Emotional Tanks of my children, their teammates, and coaches. I understand that, like the gas tank of a car, a full Emotional Tank can take people most anywhere.
I will reinforce the “ELM Tree of Mastery” with my child (E for Effort, L for Learning, M for bouncing back from Mistakes). Because I understand that a mastery approach will help my child succeed in sports and in life,
I will: • encourage my child to exert maximum Effort • help my child Learn through sports • urge my child to get past Mistakes by using a Mistake Ritual, such as a flushing motion, to trigger a reminder to flush the mistake and move on to the next play.
I will set an example for my child by Honoring the Game, respecting ROOTS (Rules, Opponents, Officials, Teammates, and Self). If I disagree with an official, I will Honor the Game and be silent.
I will use a Self-Control Routine to avoid losing my composure if I grow frustrated.
I will take a deep breath, turn away from the game to refocus, count backwards from 100 or use self-talk (“I need to be a role model. I can rise above this.”)
I will refrain from negative comments about my child’s coach in my child’s presence so that I do not negatively influence my child’s motivation and overall experience.
I will be as prompt as possible dropping my child off and picking my child up from practices and games.
I will engage in No-Directions Cheering, limiting my comments during the game to encouraging my child and other players (from both teams)
Watch and enjoy the GAME! Let the players play, the coach’s coach and the officials officiate.
Elite Soccer Refund & Payment Policy
Elite S.C. follows a strict refund policy. Fees are nonrefundable once the player is registered. There are a variety of sound reasons for this policy, including refunds having an adverse effect on team rosters and club finances. The No-Refund policy is strictly enforced even if players change their mind before the beginning of the preseason camp or the season or if circumstances arise that prevent Elite from providing the programming. Requests for a limited, partial refund or credit will only be considered under these exceptional circumstances and are at the sole discretion of Elite: a severe injury preventing participation for an entire season or a family moving away before the start of the season. All requests must be submitted to the President in writing.
If a player chooses to leave the club before the end of the season (fall, winter, and spring), full payment is still required either by submitting the remaining balance in full or completing their scheduled payment plan.
Late fees:
A $25 late fee will be added to each installment that is over 30 days past due.
Elite S.C. Player, Coach and Team Travel Guidelines
The intention of these guidelines is to insure that Elite S.C. players and coaches
have a consistent and fair code of conduct for all travel situations involving teams.
Conduct Guidelines for Elite S.C. Players, Coaches and Teams:
1. It is strongly recommended that all team members, including coaches, stay at the same hotel for the duration of the out of town travel.
2. When attending an out of hotel team function, all team members and coaches shall dress in accepted Elite S.C. travel attire as defined by the coach.
3. All players and coaches shall have a defined curfew established by the coach that is equal to or earlier than the hotel curfew.
4. All players and coaches shall act in a polite, professional and courteous manner while at the hotel, restaurant or in any place where the team or player travels.
5. Any player or coach found stealing, vandalizing or involved in any illegal or inappropriate activity, will be sent home immediately, at the expense of the player or coach, and may be suspended or removed from the Club by the Director of Coaching.
6. Any coach and or player that is found in possession of or using any illegal substance will be suspended immediately and sent home at his own expense, until further review by the Club’s Director of Coaching.
7. All coaches are asked not to drink alcohol in front of team players and or with team parents.
8. Rental Cars: Only coaches and or chaperone parent adults, 25 years and older, should operate rental cars provided by the team. No 15 passenger van travel is permitted.
9. A coach should not be alone in the hotel room with any player or parent at anytime (other than their spouse or child). Should the need arise for private conversation, the coach and player or parent should find a place out in the open to have this discussion. At a minimum, the hotel door should be open during the meeting.
10. A coach should not share a room with a player or parent unless that person is related to the coach or is a fellow coach.
11. Players should not be in a hotel room with non-family members of the opposite sex without parent supervision.
12. Players and/or their parents/guardians are responsible for making all arrangements for local travel. The team and its coaches, managers or administrators should avoid responsibility for arranging or coordinating local travel. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure the person transporting the minor player maintains the proper safety and legal requirements,including, but not limited to, a valid driver’s license, automobile liability insurance, a vehicle in safe working order, and compliance with applicable state laws.
Note: The above guidelines are intended to provide clear communication to all players and coaches as to the acceptable behavior while traveling with the team. Any player, coach, or parent that sees conduct inconsistent with the above guidelines has the obligation and responsibility to report the act to the Club’s Director of Coaching.
Real Feel Temperature Guidelines:
* 40F+: training allowed
* 39F-30F: training allowed
- Training Recommendations: -All players have hats and gloves
* 29F- 20F
U4-U12 may not train outside
- U13 and above may train
-All players must have hats, gloves, and pants
*19F or below
No Outdoor Activities
Other factors considered regardless of Real Feel that impact if training or games are played:
- Wet field conditions
- Rainy and snowy conditions
Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports
Selected CDC concussion information:
- How can I recognize a possible concussion?
- What should I do if a concussion occurs?
- Information for Coaches – Fact Sheet
- Information for Players – Fact Sheet
In addition, please review your applicable state’s laws for possible additional concussion guidelines or requirements.
Additional CDC/U.S. Soccer concussion information:
- Click here for U.S. Soccer’s Concussion Guidelines.
- CDC – Injury Prevention & Control: Traumatic Brain Injury
http://www.cdc.gov/TraumaticBrainInjury/index.html - CDC – Learn to Prevent & Recognize Concussions:http://www.cdc.gov/Features/Concussion/
- CDC – Concussion in Sports:
http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/sports/index.html - CDC – Soccer Clipboard Sticker: